A Premier Bengali Association Of The Carolinas
Srishti Your Home Away From Home
Basant Panchami
Piling up our schoolbooks in front of the idol, with the math book right on top along with our pens and notebooks - we would rely on the goddess to turn us into geniuses overnight. I doubt much has changed over the years. We all knew that Saraswati was the goddess of knowledge and learning, and if there was any faculty within us that required additional honing, only she could do it. This was the day when yellow, also called ‘Basanti’, became the color of choice and signified the arrival of spring. "Bhog" would mostly be khichuri served with begun "bhaja" a rather typical combination at Srishti of Charlotte.
We cordially invite you to celebrate Saraswati Festival and Basant Panchami with us.
Please follow the link given below for registration.
** Registration is required for all, except for Diamond Members**
Please view the Srishti Member's Guidelines for Members & Event Registration Guidelines for Non-Members.